We are headed to market in Atlanta today. The list is loooong and excitement is great as we prepare to place orders to finally “dress” the “big house on the hill at the end of the long drive” as so many of you have called it.
We will spend the first day at ADAC which is the high end market for designers. This is where my fabric showroom is: Travis and Company.
Then the rest of the week will be spent downtown at Americasmart.
I know there is a lot of curiosity about market: what is it like? how big is it? what is there?
I am going to try to give you a taste of it as time allows. Follow along on instagram as we let you join us on the journey.
Yes, there really are that many floors. There are three buildings. Building 1 has furniture, rugs, accessories. Building 2 is gifts and a lot of head-bobbing dolls. Not my favorite building. Building 3 is apparel and is by far the most confusing. Think Haley Center if you went to Auburn.
This happened a few years ago. Fun! Being in a flash mob is on my bucket list!!!
Wish us luck and pray for our backs and feet please.