As I approach post number 50 I thought it would be fun for me to look back at the very first post and see how things are progressing. Am I getting better at this thing called blogging? Has my “voice” been consistent? Readership has certainly expanded and includes 5 countries now but am I working everyday to give you information that is useful, interesting and worth the time that you so generously allow me? I really hope so.
I found two of the paragraphs from #1 to be interesting. It’s fun to read what you said about yourself a year ago and see if you agree. LOL
This is what I said back then,
“I am an artist. Not one who paints with oils but one who creates worlds. I am an interior designer/decorator by trade but I also sing and dance a little. I love using beautiful flowers in the worlds that I am creating but can’t grow one for the love of money and I just recently started designing fabrics and furnishings. My first pattern is now available world-wide through Duralee Fabrics. I will post a picture of it later.
Mainly though I am a collector of people. One of my favorite parts of this world that I live in is that I get to interact with the most interesting and highly energized people on the planet. We don’t believe in the word no. We don’t like to hear, “that can’t be done”. We get frustrated, yes even sad, when the people around us give up or get overly pessimistic about the days that we live in. We are the eternal optimist. Things will change for the better. The day will return when we actually have clients again and yes, projects will get approved again… some day.”
I love that last paragraph. It is still true to me. And the phone did start ringing again. The sun still shines every morning. I used the down time to learn new skills which I am now using in the business. I actually had TIME to have long lunches with friends that I had neglected for several years. Yes, we all still face challenges but life is good. God is good and He holds me. Therefore, I will fix my eyes like flint on His face and I will walk every day in the knowledge that I have a destiny to fulfill. Part of that destiny is to be an encourager to you my dear friends. For you, too, have a calling to fulfill.
So when times look bleak remember to look around at all of the good that surrounds us everyday and to rejoice! And I will rejoice with you.
Let’s choose to enjoy the journey.
If you would like to say, “That was fun!” at the end of your project contact me at
Such a good reminder, and so fun to go back and look at your first post. And yes, you always give us something interesting and beautiful and well worth our time in your blog!! Hope you’ve had a great weekend ~
You are so sweet. See? You just encouraged me!!! Thanks.
Linda D Jackson
Thank you, more than you can know, for these encouraging words. You are a delight.
Linda, I am glad that the post was timely for you. We stand together or we fall. Have a wonderful sunshiney day!
Splendid Sass
Love your blog, Cindy! Congratulations on the Big 50!
Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us :).