Inspection Day Down South

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Inspection Day Down South



After months and months of planning and scheming and tweaking and drawing, this beauty is coming together in a marvelous way! Inspection Day in the south end of the state was as much fun as the one we featured last week from the northern end.

Cindy Barganier Interiors

Here is a little peek into the back story of how a house is birthed.

Cindy Barganier Interiors

Every wall, doorway and ceiling was examined to determine if it could be made better. Many heads create a great project.

Cindy Barganier Interiors



It is really fun when you start to see the “flesh” come on the bones.

Cindy Barganier Interiors


Cindy Barganier Interiors

Cindy Barganier Interiors


That ceiling. Those beams. Designer is happy. And wait ’til you see the antique doors from France that fit those door frames.  Yep.

They had to come down for staining but they are show stoppers!

Cindy Barganier Interiors

Love, love, loving the dark trim and the view that it frames.

Cindy Barganier Interiors



Two weeks ago the view outside those windows looked like this.



Cindy Barganier Interiors



Cindy Barganier Interiors


The hot tub is in and ready for stone. The pool is ready for the liner and the dam has been expanded in order to double the size of the pond.

I am screaming. Hate that I never get excited about work anymore. 🙂

On the left side of the last frame this pretty boy is going up. Just in time for beautiful fall.

Cindy Barganier Interiors


At the front of the house, things are just as exciting.


Cindy Barganier Interiors


You know I am going to be adding wood. Here you go. (Trim is not finished).

Cindy Barganier Interiors



Cindy Barganier Interiors


And then, there are the bathrooms.


Cindy Barganier Interiors


Europe, welcome to Bama!

Cindy Barganier Interiors


I don’t think this shower is big enough.  Bring it! Steam shower.

Cindy Barganier Interiors



Thank you for joining me on this little walk-through.

Cindy Barganier Interiors


And a big, heart felt thank you to these sweet girls from Auburn who have interned with us this summer and have been a huge part of this project.


War Eagle! And I hope you sleep at least two nights a week. Welcome to the world of design studios. I don’t miss that.



  • dana

    amazing inspiration for my new home! we have almost the same front doors! i decided this morning to do my interior windows dark…do you have any updated photos of this project to share?

    October 6, 2015 at 12:10 pm

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