Looking For A Seminar Speaker?

Cindy Barganier Interiors / Seminars  / Looking For A Seminar Speaker?

Looking For A Seminar Speaker?

Cindy Barganier Seminars

Cindy Barganier Seminars

I am a teacher at heart.  After writing the curriculum for and teaching a decorating course geared toward DIY’s for a decade I began to get so many calls for small speaking engagements that I finally had to stop because it wasn’t fair to my family.

Time passed. We became empty nesters. The work that I was attracting became more and more interesting. Jeff joined the firm as business manager and suddenly I find myself with a lot to offer as a  seminar speaker.

The general public loves to hear the stories of  the really fun places we get to visit and the dreams that we make come true.

Students have questions about how to start your own design business and what it takes to be successful.

Design/Blogger Conventions need speakers on various topics ranging from small business challenges to breaking into the product design category.

Builders can benefit from programs on what women are looking for in a house and why they better pay attention. Hint: the women make the decisions.

We also offer a package deal. Jeff and I usually travel together. He brings a unique perspective with a background in law and finance – all the things I don’t enjoy thinking about. Small design firms are especially vulnerable to the changing face of the business world as we have known it. Jeff covers topics like contracts, time management and communication.


Cindy Barganier Interiors


So if you are looking for an experienced speaker for your next event, contact us at jeffbarganier@knology.net.

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