So Is It Christmas Or The Fourth of July?

Cindy Barganier Interiors / architecture and design  / So Is It Christmas Or The Fourth of July?

So Is It Christmas Or The Fourth of July?

I am so confused. I am supposed to be doing a whole lotta this tomorrow:

Christmas decorating

From Luxury Homes


Christmas decorating

Found on

Decking the halls and sipping the nog and all that stuff.


 Santa’s sleigh is being prepared for the big ride and I have parties to prep for…..

But when I go outside to snip the holly…. the roses are blooming… and so are the blue hydrangeas….

and my flannel shirt is soaked through in 5 minutes…

so should I really be doing this?



I am so confused. Is it Christmas or the fourth of July?




Hang in there y’all. See ya tomorrow. We will be the ones decorating Christmas trees in swim suits! (Actually these are gloriously beautiful days.)

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