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River City Smoke – Off Is A Hit

We had  a really fun weekend in Columbus watching daughter Megan, aka host the first annual River City Smoke-off. Project-housewife challenged John McLemore, president of Masterbuilt and her husband's boss, and chef Jamie Keating from Epic to a smoke off . [caption id="attachment_7131" align="aligncenter" width="337"] Rosie The Riveter for the win[/caption] They duked it out in the boxing ring all day long in order...

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Do You Know What Design Wood Is?

  Design wood. Never heard of it until a few months ago when this client's husband arrived on site with a truck full. Have you ever heard of it? I think it is a great business idea if you are looking for one since apparently it is no longer on the market. Keith says that it used to come in all sizes...

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Vignettes, Important Design Elements

I had a great time last week when Jean Allsop came to town. Jean is the acclaimed photographer of the book 30A Style written and published by Lynn Nesmith. She is also a magazine scout and spent the day photographing several of my projects.     [gallery type="slideshow" columns="1" ids="7034,7030,7029"] Photo shoots are always exciting but they are also a bit nerve -wracking for me;...

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Offer: Trip Of A Lifetime

Do you love to paint?

Or have you always wanted to learn how to paint?

Do you love the outdoors and jaw-dropping scenery?

“Imagine yourself on the bank of a wild and scenic river corridor. You have just spent the last four hours rafting through some of the most beautiful and majestic places you have ever seen. Your knowledgeable and experienced guides have set the adventurous, creative and lively tone, while you are still awe-struck by this place. The sounds of rushing water and the fragrance of warm grass and clean air soothe your soul. Then your guide points out a black bear at the river’s edge. She is skittish and risks being seen to stay a moment longer and snatch a wild salmon to feed her hungry cubs. The Bear has broken your concentration but you immerse yourself again, and put the finishing brushstrokes on what you believe to be your most satisfying and moving work.”

Well I have an offer for you of a trip of a lifetime that combines all of those and more. James Sampsel, artist from my last post, has combined forces with Row Adventures (the company that he offers his fly-fishing tours through) to offer a

5 day, 45 mile Wilderness Plein Air Adventure on the Rogue River!!!!!

Where is the Rogue you ask? It is one of the most scenic rivers you will ever see and it is located in the state of Oregon. Unlike our massive rivers in the South you can see across it and the water is crystal clear and teeming with trout. But don’t take my word for it, check out these pictures:

Ok, so how does this work?


What Do Fly Fishing And Paintings Of Chapels Have In Common?

cindy barganier fly fishing

You might remember a previous post about a fabulous trip I  tagged along on when Jeff had a writing assignment in Oregon. We spent several days at Morrison’s Lodge and had our own private river guide, James Sampsel, who taught us how to fly fish and hooked me forever.

That should explain why I got very excited when a van with Oregon plates pulled into my driveway with this on the window.

Vintage Campers Spotted At Auburn

    When Jeff and I were at Auburn we used to love to spend our weekends hiking through these beautiful woods at Chewacla State Park in Auburn. There is a dam that forms a waterfall and people used to swim or go rock hopping. It was a great stress reliever from days on end spent drawing in studio.   Naturally I was intrigued when...

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That Day I Hired An Award Winning Chef

cooking with chefs

Photo credit: Modenus


See those guys? I think I seriously thought they would live with me one day. No really.

You see, many years ago The Writer and I bought a piece of land out in the country. Now this was a miracle in itself because I found the land and drug him out there to look at it and I AM NOT A COUNTRY GIRL- not by any stretch of the imagination. It’s not that I have anything against the country but I am an only child who has been on a life long quest to be around people. PEOPLE… not coyotes, not tree frogs, certainly not snakes, not a single one of them can listen to my humorous stories or tell me theirs. They don’t invite me to dinner or sing happy birthday to me.  Ahhh, but The Writer; that man never met a country he didn’t love. So in my head, I could make this work.

That’s where the trouble began… in my head.

Need A Word Of Encouragement? Don’t We All.

cindy barganier encouragement for a new week

Found on Facebook


Between the pollen and the deluge yesterday I gave myself permission to have a pajama day. I do love a good pajama day, don’t you?

It’s been a weird first quarter this year. I don’t know why but it’s a fact. As I was having my on private church on-line this morning I ran across this message and really struck a chord so I decided to share it with you in hopes that it would help you also.