The Big Announcement

Cindy Barganier Interiors / Fabric Design  / The Big Announcement

The Big Announcement

We are thrilled to announce that the Cindy Barganier Textiles Collection has been picked up by one of the premier showrooms at the Atlanta Decorative Arts Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Better known to the trade as ADAC this is the site of all of the major fabric and furniture showrooms. It caters to designers not furniture stores so it is a great fit for us.

Which showroom?

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I have worked with Travis for years as they also carry Designer’s Guild, Sister Parrish, Amanda Nisbet, Jack Lenore Larson, Cowtan and Tout and Manuel Canovas to name a few.

We spent the day with their great staff hanging the wings and generally getting to know the showroom from a vendor’s perspective.

Dennis is the showroom manager and has been great to us.

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But I am ahead of myself. This is how the day went.

This is one of the views of the showroom as you enter the second floor where we are located.

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We immediately set to work deciding the order that the fabrics would hang in.

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Then Dennis had to decide where in the showroom he wanted to feature us.

I was more than a little bit excited with his decision.

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Amanda is one of my personal favorites so I am honored to literally rub elbows with her.

Then it was time to hang and for that we needed the pro… Earnest!

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That man is lightning fast. He has hung a few wings before!

In no time at all they were all up.

Then we had to tag everything and get the memo samples ready for the designers. (Yes, they were laughing at us for taking all of these pictures. We were not very good at being cool. Hey, this IS our first time around and we’re enjoying it. LOL)

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Mission accomplished.

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A HUGE thank you to Betsy, Becky and Traci for helping with all of the sewing and surging. It took a full two days to ready all of these samples.

We appreciate you!

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This is where the samples now live, Girls. If I weren’t the eternal optimist I would freak that there are so many beautiful fabrics competing with mine but ya know what? There is a reason God had me do this so I just place it all back in His hands and trust that He knows exactly what He is doing. I’m just enjoying the ride.

Tonya on the left and Allie, along with Joey who was busy at his desk are in charge of the library. Good thing they are super organized!

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Then it was all over but the pricing and educating.

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Thanks again Shoot Fly Shoot/The Lettered Cottage for this image. (The original is clear. This is printed on a pumpkin colored handmade paper) 🙂

Jeff and I returned the next afternoon for a meeting with the delightful

Dotty Travis, founding owner of the firm that bears her name.

She and Dennis had been working like ants all day getting ready for the

Cashier’s Decorator Showhouse in Cashier’s N.C.  and threatened bodily harm if we pulled the camera out. LOL

She did, however, make me cry with her kind remarks about the line and how pleased she was to welcome us to the family.

“I love this line. The colors are fabulous. I am really pleased with it and I want big hunks of it lying around. I’ve looked at it three times today.”  Thank you, sweet Dotty. We will do our best to make you proud. Thanks for giving us the chance.

And thus ended the set-up as we placed sample sets into the hands of the traveling sales reps…

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Go get em Kathy!  Mark, yours are on the way.

And the happy, tired couple rode off into the sunset to get some seafood at

The Atlanta Fish Market. We couldn’t stop smiling.

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I would be very remiss if I did not save the biggest thank you for my partner in all things, Jeff,  for everything that he has done to help make this possible. No one knows the hours he spends cutting samples, taking pictures, writing stories, writing contracts, placing orders, billing etc, etc, etc.

You, JB, are my rock. And then to my biggest cheerleader, Martin Choate. You know how much I love you.



  • Congratulations, Cindy! So happy for y’all!

    July 23, 2013 at 2:17 pm
  • Hope

    CONGRATULATIONS! Travis is my favorite stop at ADAC. I’ve had a chance to get to know Dennis and he’s amazing!! Can’t wait to see your fabric in there the next time I stop by. 🙂

    July 23, 2013 at 2:38 pm
  • Rushan Smyth

    So excited for you!! They look beautiful…just like you!!!
    LY- Rush

    July 23, 2013 at 3:51 pm
  • Anna Kate

    Wow! I would cry too, how overwhelmigly awesome Cindy! And the fabrics looks so amazing! Congratulations I am sure they will stand out against the others & sell out!

    July 24, 2013 at 12:04 am

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