A Christmas Vignette For Rhoda

Cindy Barganier Interiors / architecture and design  / A Christmas Vignette For Rhoda

A Christmas Vignette For Rhoda

Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality is having a link party today so I thought I would share a vignette we did for clients earlier this month. As some of you saw when I posted  the sneak peek I had just had my decorative painter paint a tone on tone forest scene on their walls.

faux finished walls

I decided to stay with that theme for the Christmas decor.

After delivering their new French chest I discovered these happy reindeer who looked like they would love to be nibbling grass under the trees on the wall so they found a home as the centerpiece of the vignette.

Christmas vignette

Don’t you love the organic feel of their driftwood forms?

Their “bed” was made of fresh Frazier Fir branches mixed with pine cones,pine boughs and snow. That stuff is hard to come by in Alabama these days but we forced a White Christmas with a lot of cotton and little spray stuff. 🙂

Next, I took some blocks of foam, cut them into small squares and covered them with pieces of left-over fabrics and ribbons to make small gifts for a pop of color.

Simple but elegant just like I like it.

So how’s all that cooking, shopping and …… coming along? I am reminding myself to “rejoice with great joy” over The Star as the song says and not get overwhelmed by the business.

Have a cup of eggnog and enjoy your night!



Cindy Barganier
  • LOVE it, Cindy! Simple and elegant.

    December 11, 2012 at 11:21 pm
  • Penny @ The Comforts of Home & Flea Market Makeovers

    Those walls are amazing! Love the natural vignette.

    December 12, 2012 at 12:10 am
  • HI, Cindy! Nice to meet you, I know you are Layla’s neighbor now & you are going to love that couple. They are the best! I left a comment at her blog, but I have to ask if you are kin to Steve and Mollie Barganier in Birmingham? They were friends of mine when I lived over there for 5 years. Merry Christmas to you!

    December 12, 2012 at 1:38 pm

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