We are getting ready to launch a new e-design option for clients near and far and thought we would show you a little make-over magic that is possible today thanks to the awesome strides in technology. I have to tell you that I have been working on learning how to do this for over three years. I know. But I am over 12 remember?
I am still on full time duty taking care of Mom right now so my posts will be short and sweet and hopefully you will enjoy the sneak peek of what’s happening behind the scenes these days.
Here is a picture of my living room as it looks today.
I played around with several different looks showcasing fabrics in my 2014 collection. See what you think.
First up is drapery done in “Dribbles” and the arm less “Stan” chair from last year’s furniture collection.
Big difference, huh?
So how would it look if we threw in a little pink and turquoise? Let’s see. “New Turquoise Chain” as drapery.
This is too much fun.
One more:
This is a room sent to me by a client as an inspiration photo.
Let’s see how “Angel Wings in Blue” would look like in here and I think I will take the formality down a notch.
I don’t claim to have mastered this yet but it is definitely enough to help visualize a change of scenery.
Neighbor, Layla, is the pro. I was 90% of the way into these when she posted her video teaching how she does make-over images. In just a matter of minutes she introduced me to about three tools that I had never heard of. They made a huge difference. Check it out at http://shootflyshoot.com/room-makeover-info/
BTW, we just sold our house so you might be seeing lots of these “wonder how I would like this” photos in the future as we draw plans for a new house that will include an apartment for Mama. Change is good. Happy day to you.
Hope Caldwell
Very fun to see the difference in rooms!
Design Chic
I am definitely not good at this, but so fun to change the look and add your fabrics!! I’ve been reading your older posts tonight and I am so sorry that I did not know about your mother. I so hope she is doing better and getting stronger every day. Please keep us posted and our thoughts and prayers are with you…
You are so dear. Thank you for the prayers. Mama is doing much better. Wish I could have a day with you on a rainy mountain porch and brainstorm makeovers. :O