I think it is healthy to always look back at the year that is behind us and reflect on all that we, with the help of all the amazing people God puts in our path, were able to accomplish. I don’t know about you but I am hard on myself thinking that I could have/should have done more. Looking back sometimes becomes an eyeopener when you are able to see in one “envelope” all of the wonderful things that were accomplished in one 12 month period. I am humbled, grateful and energized when I realize how close I am to reaching some milestones. Thank you for the part that you played in that.
Now, for a little walk down memory lane:
In January, we launched Cindy Barganier Textiles.
I spoke at a Women’s Conference.
I helped these great guys put on Southern Makers in downtown Montgomery. It was a blast.
In February I started Tuesdays With Cindy seminar series in the studio. We had some fun times together.
I also met one of my favorite composers, Ken Medema.
March brought this fabulous project.
We came out of the ground not long after.
And saw this beautiful kitchen getting close to being finished.
In April we continued to work on a fabulous house in Montgomery. You saw the dining room in December: This is a watercolor rendering of that shot. (Surprise Jen!)
In May, DSR Showroom in Birmingham, Al picked up the fabric line.
We had a really great mastermind brainstorming session with some of the best minds in the industry on New Urbanism and development.
Thank you for your generosity of time and spirit Nathan Norris.
I literally watched a movie being made from my back door. Can’t wait to see Layla Palmer featured on American Blogger this year.
June and Travis and Co. ( a premier showroom at The Atlanta Decorative Arts Center) says “Yes!” to my fabric line. Breath. Hyperventilate.
And suddenly, we have road representatives!
I had a feature story in River Region Magazine.
In July, the fabric line was picked up by these fab peeps in Florida:
Doodle Home Blog featured the house I did in Watercolor, Florida
We were the Editor’s Pick on Room Reveal for the Sawgrass Project
In September we were featured on The Lettered Cottage for this bedroom renovation.
In October I worked for these awesome peeps (Evan and Co and Layla Palmar)
as they presented The Chapel Market.
and I became forever friends with these cutie pies and many others.
AND we had a new little pink bundle of love arrive. Sorry, the fam is camera shy or I would be deluging you with adorable shots.
In November I was featured on The House Of Turquoise Blogagain for the Sawgrass Project.
We made this
become this
AND we found out through Twitter that Springtime Fun fabric has been presented by Lee Olive Interiors for the renovation of Lullwater Clubhouse in Columbus, Ga and that it was approved by Woodruff and Co. SOOO excited! Thanks y’all.
Kind of makes my head spin. REALLY makes me hit my knees in gratitude. Cannot wait to see what 2014 holds.
We would so love to be a part of your new year! Email me at cindybarg@knology.net.
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